Faith Feeds

The FAITH FEEDS program is designed for individuals in Catholic parishes who are hungry for opportunities to talk about their faith with others who share it. Participants gather over coffee or a potluck lunch or dinner, and a host parishioner facilitates conversation using articles from the C21 Center's magazine, C21 Resources.

Attend a Faith Feeds Event

Attend a Faith Feeds Event

Attend a Faith Feeds Event

The C21 Center hosts FAITH FEEDS events each month. Register to join our next session.

Join an upcoming Faith Feeds conversation.

Learn to host your own Faith Feeds

Learn to host your own Faith Feeds

Learn to host your own Faith Feeds

Our hope is that you can use the Faith Feeds model in your own community to host meaningful faith conversations. Utilize our "Faith Feeds Starter Kit" and additional materials, all at no cost!

Explore our "Faith Feeds Starter Kit"

Explore Faith Feeds Guides

Explore Faith Feeds Guides

Explore Faith Feeds Guides

Explore our downloadable Faith Feeds Guides, covering over 40 faith themes for conversation. 

Explore our downloadable Faith Feeds Guides

Discover the Faith Feeds Special Series

Discover the Faith Feeds Special Series

Discover the Faith Feeds Special Series

We developed special series of Faith Feeds Guides, designed to assist specific communities in having faith conversations. From guides for Catholic educators, to Higher Education faculty and staff, to Hispanic Ministry, and more!

Discover the Faith Feeds Special Series